Westmill Parish Council has six councillors and one employee, the Clerk, who is also the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).
Cllr Jim Beaven: Defibrillator
Cllr Steve Cowler: Highways
Cllr Sue Debono: Noticeboard
Cllr Anne Downes: Risk Assessment
Cllr Bernadette King: Banking
Cllr Tom McMullen: Chairman
Ms Sarah Kubica: Clerk/RFO
The council operates under three tiers of local government Westmill Parish Council, East Herts District Council and Hertfordshire County Council.
District councils have responsibility for waste collection, planning and development control, building control, street parking and traffic regulation, street trading, environmental health, licensing and housing and education functions.
District Councillor aubrey.holt@eastherts.gov.uk
County councils have responsibility for education, social care, some highways and planning, and rights of way functions.
County Councillor jeff.jones@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Westmill Parish Council is an independently elected statutory body with a remit to; represent the local community; deliver services to meet local needs; and make improvements to the quality of life and community well-being of its local community.
The parish council provides and maintains a variety of important and visible local services such as the defibrillator, village green pump and village green spaces. It is also involved in community safety and crime reduction measures, footpaths, litter picking and planning. The council is proud to support the work of local community groups, volunteers and charities.
The council raises its own precept which is collected via the council tax paid by persons over the age of 18 who own or occupy a dwelling in the area of the council.
Westmill Parish Council is a member of: